marți, 2 februarie 2010

Harry Brown

The reason I've started downloading the movie was actually the theme song. Chase and Status - End Credits.
It's a brilliant movie.
Clear message.
A old hero.

Here's the song and below the movie trailer.

joi, 28 ianuarie 2010

Hunt me down

Not knowing...
There I was...

Time slipped away.
I wasn't alone.
I could catch my breath.
I stopped the headache.
I heard their screams and felt their pain.
I felt guilty of pleasure, guilty for their sins.
Such a pity.

Unchain this heart of mine. Erase all that's left.
I'm falling down, down on my knees.
And it's not like I don't ever know that you like to play God every once in a little while.
Damn you.

Ease my humble soul. Take me far away. Just let me be.
With or without my body, my spirit will live for ever.

luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

Skunk Anansie Addiction

A week ago I was listening to radio Guerrilla and the dj made a song introduction that blow my mind instantly. He didn't however said anything about the name of the band or the title of the song. I didn't know what to expect to be honest, but I slowly turned up the volume and I recognized the voice. Skin's voice, a voice that I grow up with. I was very surprise to hear that they are back, even thou I know they have individual projects that they are work for.
So there I was... in my room, listening to Squander, such a touching song.
The next day I've downloaded the new album that's more of a best of but it includes two new song Squander and Because of you.
So here are the video of the new songs.

duminică, 25 octombrie 2009

Wait for you

It started with a kiss and turned out something else.
The blood coils in through my veins I think of no one else.
I never believed in much but I believe in this.
Im incomplete without you, Id kill to taste your kiss.
Im lost and lonely scared and hiding.
Blind without you.

When the the world comes crashing down and the skies begin to fall,
Ill wait for you
When the days grow old and long and my skins turns into stone,
Ill wait for you
When the pain it seems too much and my heart starts beating out of touch I dont need a thing,
Ill wait for you

It's all so different now, emotions burn me out.
I have a lifeless touch, this distance leaves no doubt.
I fear it all too much but part of me believes.
As the years pass away you made me recognize,
Im lost and lonely, scared and hiding.
Blind without you.

When the the world comes crashing down and the skies begin to fall,
Ill wait for you
When the days grow old and long and my skins turns into stone,
Ill wait for you
When the pain it seems too much and my heart starts beating out of touch I dont need a thing,
Cause Ill wait for you...

Cause Ill wait for you...

When the the world comes crashing down and the skies begin to fall,
Ill wait for you
When the days grow old and long and my skins turns into stone,
Ill wait for you
When the pain it seems too much and my heart starts beating out of touch I dont need a thing.
I know I dont need a thing.
Ill wait for you.

luni, 15 iunie 2009


Mi-am facut bagajele. Plec! Pentru o clipa am sa fiu acolo unde vreau eu... departe de cei patru pereti in care-s baricadata la fiecare 24 de ore, departe de fetele acre ale colegelor de munca si-ale clientilor frustrati.
Am colindat fiecare colt al amintirilor mele si-am descoperit ca exista un singur loc, unul singur, unde ma simt intradevar acasa, linistita si impacata cu mine. Din pacate nu am cum sa ajung acolo. Nici un mijloc de transport demodat sau modern nu-mi poate permite sa ajung la destinatie. Si totusi, nu-i atat de greu. Nu-mi ramane decat sa apuc bine de valiza si sa-nchid ochii... zece... noua... opt... sapte... sase... cinci... patru... si-am deschis ochii. Mereu ma opresc la trei. Motivul e la fel de firesc ca si aceasta mica escapada. Dar care sa fie acesta?
Cu picioarele desculte, cu vantul in par si-n rochia ce trece lejer peste linia genunchilor, respir viata!
Sunt acasa.
Ma las doborata, pe iarba frageda si-urmaresc vietatiile ce se plimba voioase gadilindu-mi varful degetelor. Zambesc soarelui si-ncerc sa-l prind intre palme...inutil! Imi acopar ochii cu marginea palariei.
Zare-i asa de colorata. Si-astept! De va venii, voi fi furioasa! Iar daca nu vine, am sa fiu si mai furioasa.
De ce razi? Stii pe cine astept?
Da-mi voie sa-ti spun ca ... mai bine o lasam pe alta data!
Acest musafir il asteptam cu toti la un moment dat, iar el, musafirul, vine cand vrea... sau niciodata spre dezamagirea unora. Nu sunt suparata. Ma las purtata de val, pana la urmatorul mal si nu am sa ma inec caci va exista mereu un cineva care cu sau fara voia mea ma va salva.

sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009

ieri-ul de azi si azi-ul de maine

Ei bine, buna dragi cititori.
Pana acum 2 ore eram foarte impotriva ideii de a-mi face un blog, dar am avut o sclipire de moment si "mi-am luat tastatura-n dinti" si-am inceput sa butonez .
Flor, scumpa de ea s-a ocupat de tot si ii multumesc pe aceasta cale !

E inca 30 mai... o noapte cam ploioasa sunt la lucru , tura de noapte ( preferata mea ) , mi-am terminat toate hartiile de completat, ascult radio si printre picaturi imi croiesc din cand in cand drum sa mai schimb un prosop ca ploua si-nauntru. Imi place ploaia, m-am nascut intr-o zi ploioasa de toamna... e foarte placuta ploaia de mai , dar e urata cand tre sa te plimbi de unul/una singur/a prin ea .

Azi e o zi importanta si totodata speciala pentru mine , asta datorandu-se faptului ca am cunoscut in urma cu 4 luni , incet si timid un sentiment nou care m-a facut sa renasc. Toata fiinta mea radiaza de cand a aparut acest sentiment in viata mea.

E al naibi de amuzant cum trec ani pe langa noi ; parca ieri ma jucam in curtea bunicii si suparam viespiile ascunse-n poarta principala. Tot parca ieri am pasit sfioasa in clasa cu ferestre mari si perdele mereu apretate ( cateodata patate totusi de cerneala ) ; parca ieri mi s-a furat primul sarut in dreptul usii de la apartament ( as fi vrut sa fie altfel ) ; parca ieri mi-am pierdut mintiile si plangeam ca nu sunt iubita de cine vreau eu ... si uite-ma azi ! Studenta , cu o slujba stabila cu parintii si prietenii aproape . Maine am sa ma marit ! E un maine mai indepartat pentru ca de azi , am sa-mi amintesc ca de un ieri chiar daca si ieri a fost un azi si-un maine nu de mult.